The Firm, with its principal office in Karachi, now has four partners and twenty-seven associates and has a branch office in Lahore. The Firm also has correspondent lawyers all across Pakistan to conduct matters on the instructions of Surridge & Beecheno.
The Firm is dedicated to providing the highest quality legal representation to institutional and individual clients who demand the sophistication and expertise of a large law firm but who can also benefit from the more individualized client services (and cost effectiveness) offered by a specialized practice.
The partners of Surridge & Beecheno have acted as Chairmen and Directors of many companies set up in Pakistan and are active members of the International Bar Association and Inter-Pacific Bar Association and have read papers on different topics in various international conferences. The Firm provides legal services in almost all parts of Pakistan and has trained personnel specializing in different branches of law. The Firm while maintaining its position as the oldest law firm in Pakistan and highest quality of legal services, is committed towards making contributions to the legislative process, assisting courts and tribunals in setting new standards in enforcement and prosecution practices. The Firm’s partners have appeared as counsel in many landmark cases and secured decisions by the Supreme Court of Pakistan laying down the law which is followed as precedents.
– 1948, Established
The Firm was founded in 1948 in Karachi by two British Barristers, Charles Surridge and Peter Beecheno. Both the founding partners had a family history of legal practice in Rangoon (Burma) going back to the middle of the 19th century.
– 1951, 5 fresh new partners
John Fredrick Cambell Gallaher, Richard Francis Spickernell, Bertram Hameraley Bevan Petman, Nicholas James Donald William and Shaikh Mohammad Hassan joined the firm in 1951.
– 1961 , Extended the team!
The firm was reconstituted with Mr. Gallaher, Mr. Hassan, Mr. Spickernell, Mr. Beven-Petman as Active Partners as Mr. Surridge, Mr. Beecheno and Mr. Williams became the sleeping Partners.
– January 1965
The team was extended by appointed 3 new partners Abdullah Bhojani, Ehsan Ahmed Nomani and Aftab Ahmed Khan and number of active partners increased to 7 and many associates in 1965.
Peter Mason Beecheno expired on 11 April 1966, Nicholas James Donald Williams retired on 30 September 1967 and Charles Earnest North Surridge expired on 15 December 1967.
– January 1968
– John Fredrick Cambell Gallaher
– Richard Francis Spickernell
– Bertram Hameraley Bevan Petman
– Shaikh Mohammad Hassan
– Abdullah Bhojani
– Ehsan Ahmed Nomani
– Aftab Ahmed Khan
* Bertram Hameraley Bevan Petman retired on 15 March 1968
– April 1968
– John Fredrick Cambell Gallaher
– Richard Francis Spickernell
– Shaikh Mohammad Hassan
– Abdullah Bhojani
– Ehsan Ahmed Nomani
– Aftab Ahmed Khan
* Richard Francis Spickernell retired on 01 October 1970
* Shaikh Mohammad Hassan expired on 11 December 1970
– October 1972
Mr. Aftab Ahmed Khan, Mr. Saleem Akhtar, Mr. Anwar Aly Shareef, Mr. Ismail Tejani and Mr. Ayub Kundi joined the firm and thus the firm consisted of 9 partners.
– April 1975 – July 1991
– John Fredrick Cambell Gallaher
– Abdullah Bhojani
– Ehsan Ahmed Nomani
– Aftab Ahmed Khan
– Anwer Aly Shareef
– Ismail Tejani
– Ayub Kundi
– Saleem Akhtar was elevated as judge of the Sindh High Court in October 1980
– Mr. Kairas Kabraji Joined the firm on 1st July 1981
– Mr. Ayub Kundi retired from the firm on 01 January 1988
* Ismail Tejani retired on 01 July 1989
* John Fredrick Campbell Gallaher retired on 01 July 1991
– July 1995
Mr. Mohammad Naeem, Mr. Salman Talibuddin, Mr. Khalid Anisur Rehman and Mr. Rehan Aquiluddin joined the firm after retirement of Kairas Kabraji on 30th June 1995 and the firm consisted of 8 partners.
* Abdullah Abdul Rahim Bhojani retired on 01 July 1997
* Salman Talibuddin retired on 01 February 1997
* Ehsan Ahmed Nomani retired on 01 July 1999
* Rehan Aquiluddin expired on 26 September 1999
– July 2007
* Mr. Anwar Aly Shareef retired and Mr. Khurram Rashid became the partner.
– June 2016
Mr. Khurram Rashid retired from the firm on 30th June 2016 and Mr. Mohammad Naeem retired from the firm
– January 2017
* Mr. Muhammad Naeem retired as sleeping partner.
– February 2019
* Mr. Aftab Ahmed Khan passed away.
– December 2021
* Mr. Muhammad Ali Seena retired as a Partner and remains as a Consultant.
* Mr. Muhammad Naeem retired as sleeping partner.
– November 2022
* Ms. Asma Hameed Khan ceased to be a Partner of the firm.